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Maintain Mental Health While Dating in A Sweat Life

  • It’s always important to maintain good mental health, but especially so while dating, states Shauna Pollard, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice. “Being stable and grounded as you go through the [dating] process will help you to screen out partners who are not a good fit,” she explains. 
  • Pollard recommends going at your own pace and taking breaks from the apps if you’re feeling overwhelmed. “Allow yourself to take a break after any bad dates or to even put the apps away for months at a time,” she says.

    This is especially true if you’re experiencing significant mental health challenges. “I actually recommend giving the apps a break,” she says. “Going on bad dates, being ghosted, and having to turn down possible suitors can be very stressful.”

    Instead, she recommends seeking connection and friendship through other routes as they may be a better starting point. “The apps should not be your only dating strategy,” states Pollard.

Read the full article in A Sweat Life