Teletherapy in 40+ States: AZ, AR, AL, CO, CNMI, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, ND, NE, NJ, NV, NH, NC, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY, & WV.


Dr. Shauna Pollard

Psychologist & Consultant

Dr Shauna Pollard

Let’s Work Together

Areas of Specialization

Available for speaking engagements, workshops, and consultations

Signature Topics

Dr. Shauna Pollard, also known as Dr. P, is a psychologist in private practice who currently sees clients in over 20 states. She has over 15 years of clinical experience and has studied psychology for over 20 years. She specializes in helping busy professionals shift the patterns of behavior that are holding them back so they can accomplish their goals. In particular, Dr. P has extensive experience working with clients who are BIPOC and/or ADHDer’s. She most recently ran a group for BIPOC therapists with ADHD to support them in optimizing their workflows, managing time, and working through the shame and stigma associated with the unique challenges they face.

Featured in:

ADHD in the Gifted/High Achievers

These strategies or workarounds can look like hiding or masking challenges. For example, Pollard highlights how high-achieving adults may stay late at night working or put in maximum effort to focus and stay on top

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Dating After a Breakup in AskMen

It may not always feel that way, but the period of time after a breakup can be an opportunity. As Pollard puts it, breaking up can often be “the fuel for personal growth.” Read the

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